29 October, 2015

The second!

Hello ! I'm back... beleive it or not I had some much fun writing my first post yesterday, that I spent all day thinking about what to write for my second post (yes I'm dorky like that).

Remember that I mentioned that I'D just broken up with my boyfriend, well today I got the opportunity to read an article that asked what if you knew that you are never going to find love or your "soul mate"?, that's  kind of a sad thought right? but just for a second let's beleive it's true, personally I would be relived from that pressure of thinking maybe I did the wrong thing breaking up with this guy?, what if  he was it?, or thinking about what's comming next, maybe the next one is worst? and those kind of doubts, so if I knew there was "nobody special" for me I think it gives me a feeling of freedom, makes me want to do many things without worrying or holding back my self , I've been daydreaming about all the trips I would go to, the new things I want to learn, it maybe makes me be a little more selfish, but it's a way to look at it that makes me feel good, and makes me not want to expect anything, so I guess this is a me time that I'm going to enjoy very much, and maybe why not something will come up that is way better than what I had, but I won't be expecting it, and that's when the magic happens!!! 

This is me in La Cinta Costera, Panama City 

PS: this is the link for the article if somebody wants to read it, It's in spansh! 

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